Friday, November 12, 2010

Edward Sorel Q and A

I love how when he was asked if he is ever troubled by the harmful way he portrays people he replied that the only time he is ever trubled by negative work is when the subject calls wanting to buy the origonal drawing.

I like how he always describes himself as not as good as other people and even said that he is still learning how to draw.

It is cool that when he first started drawing he didn't do it to prove points or calm arguments, he just drew to be by himself and it eventualy became a method of saying what he wanted in the world.

When he first started drawing he mentions that he drew with crayons on the card board that was in his shirts when he got them back from the laundry.

I agree that the quality of cartoons has slightly deminished but I don't agree that the art of cartooning is dying.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Edward Sorel

completed 1991
subject: Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill meeting inthe Kremlin
The Laureates of the Lewd
Gore Vidal
John Updike
Philip Roth
Completed April 1993